Project Objectives
The project will conduct an evaluation and assessment of e-Skills and ICT training programs to support diverse populations to enter the labor market.
It will identify and analyse ICT training programs that aim to prepare and place jobseekers into meaningful tech jobs, with focus on diverse target groups, including women, vulnerable youth with low educational achievement or from difficult socio-economic backgrounds, migrants, unemployed adults changing careers.
The geographic focus is on Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Poland and South Africa.
The work product shall inform policy development on the European and national level, and provide practical recommendations to non-profit organisations and training providers.
The project outcomes will include a report on effectiveness of inclusive Information and Communications Technology (ICT) programs, which is accessible to a wide audience with an overview of relevant EU and national policy frameworks, an analysis and forecast of supply/demand for ICT skills in selected countries, evaluation of effectiveness of selected best practices, according to a standardised taxonomy, recommendations providing practical insights for policy makers and implementing organisations.
Around 300 inclusive ICT training programs will be reviewed, a repository of around 60 initiatives established, and approx. 25 best practices selected and documented. Furthermore a dissemination strategy will be formulated, a web portal created and promoted through social media. A large regional event targeting 50-100 participants and 3 one-day workshops with roundtables inviting experts and stakeholders on the country-level will be organised.
The project is conducted by empirica

Supported by J.P. Morgan